Dall-E 2 Editor



When using the outpainting feature, **Dall-e 2** takes an input image and then generates a new image that “fills in” the surrounding area around the input image, effectively extending or “painting” the input image outward. This can be useful for generating new images that are similar in style or subject matter to the input image, or for creating compositions with multiple elements that are seamlessly integrated together.

Unfortunately, the outpainting feature is only available on the desktop.

Keeping style and saving Credits

ATTENTION: two things to consider before starting with the editor. Every time you hit on “generate” you use credits, even if you cancel the end result. You must hit the download button to save your outpainted image, the system doesn’t save it in your gallery automatically.

Outpainting is cool but adding new generations cost you credits. So, finding a way to efficiently use the feature may be challenging. Here are some quick tips that I’m using.

  1. Start with a clear idea of what you want to create: Before you begin outpainting, it can be helpful to have a clear idea of the main subject matter, style, and composition you want to create. This can help you choose the right direction and guide the outpainting process.
  2. If your end goal is to generate landscape images, start outpainting from the furthest corner of the image.
  3. If your end goal is 1:1, start outpainting from the center toward the corners.
  4. Place your generation frame close to the previous generation. Imagine it as overlapping, if you want to keep consistency throughout your image, you need to include a piece of the original frame in your new ones.
  5. change the subject according to the new generation's frame while leaving mediums intact.


Including the original frame and rejected frames, this illustration took 8 generations to complete, which will cost you less than 1$.




